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Tornado Marketing Tips

Marketing Tips & Inspiration

Evolution vs. Revolution: Which is the Right Marketing Move?

If you’re not getting the amount of business you want, you may be feeling that it’s time to shake things up with new and improved marketing. But what’s the best way to proceed? Do you need evolution or a revolution?

Revolutions are exciting!

Do you ever watch those TV shows where they transform a woman’s life just by giving her new clothes, a make-up lesson and a decent haircut? Or take a house from oh-my-goodness-how-could-anyone-live-like-that to organized, color-harmonized perfection?

If y...

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5 Website Mistakes to Avoid

A website says a lot about a company.

It communicates a lot of essentials about your brand, like its personality, voice, and the value it claims to offer. Here are 5 mistakes to avoid on your website that could be turning visitors away, instead of bringing them in.

1. Non-Descriptive Navigation

Products. Services. About Us. 

These website navigation headings are common, but they’re not always the best way to grab people's attention. 

What is it that you specifically offer?

When stranger...

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Keep Your Business Vision Alive in Transition

How do we stay inspired and in an action in our own business when we have so many other competing priorities and things we have to do? 

Some people can take an immediate leap from vision to action.

They decide they want work remotely while travelling the world…

Or stop selling software and become a yoga teacher…

Or move to a new city…

If you don’t have a lot of responsibilities – clients, mortgage, friends and family members, you may be able to take action almost immediately.

For some of u...

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