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Tornado Marketing Tips

Marketing Tips & Inspiration

Marketing Storytelling: The Hero's Journey

I love a good story, whether I’m telling them, reading them or watching them. A story pulls you in and makes you care about the people involved. When used for marketing, a story can help you create credibility, generate leads, and illustrate competence.

The problem with many business-to-business case studies, videos, "about us" website pages and other areas where companies have an opportunity to tell a story is that… they don’t really tell a story. They only share the success. They jump right t...

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Keep Your Business Vision Alive in Transition

How do we stay inspired and in an action in our own business when we have so many other competing priorities and things we have to do? 

Some people can take an immediate leap from vision to action.

They decide they want work remotely while travelling the world…

Or stop selling software and become a yoga teacher…

Or move to a new city…

If you don’t have a lot of responsibilities – clients, mortgage, friends and family members, you may be able to take action almost immediately.

For some of u...

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